Everything for Your Indoor Environment
Homes, office buildings, industrial plants, airplanes, cars, and computer technology all rely on complex HVAC/R systems to create and maintain safe, healthy, and comfortable living and working environments. Many industrial, medical, technical, and commercial processes also depend on sophisticated heating, cooling air quality, and ventilation systems. Since humans spend approximately 90% of their time indoors, health and comfort in buildings are very important issues. These systems are also very expensive to operate and maintain. And the complexity of the design, construction, and maintenance of these systems becomes more complex every day. HVAC/R technicians are problem solvers - these are experts who contribute to making equipment work better, more efficiently, quicker, and less expensively.
HVAC/R industry presents excellent business opportunities due to constantly increasing consumer demands and rapid technological advancements. Similar to most industries within the construction sector, the Heating and Air-Conditioning Contractors industry has been quite volatile over the past five years. Moreover, the demand for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning services is projected to heat up over the next five years. Pent-up demand across the construction sectors, which began to slack quickly in 2012 and 2013, is forecast to boost demand for new HVAC/R installations, the industry's primary service segment. Improving per capita disposable income and the growing popularity of energy-efficient systems that also lower operating costs for businesses and households will drive the demand for installations in existing structures. Therefore, the HVAC/R market is estimated to grow even faster than average in the upcoming decade according to prognoses of many industry analysts.
Mega Depot offers an extensive range of products for every type of activity within the HVAC/R industry, ranging from installation and repair to refrigerant recycling or recovery!