Cable Identificators

Cable identification is very important when handling electronic equipment, power grids, or information networks. When installing or repairing equipment, interaction with the wrong cable may lead to an array of negative consequences, from signal or data loss to equipment damage and electrocution. Mega Depot offers an extensive selection of cable identification solutions suited for various types of cables.

Cable Identificators

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Cable identification can be performed in many ways. Electric grid cables are commonly identified with color, each color stands for a specific type of cable. Electronic devices may also have their wires marked, using colors that are not necessarily bound to wire types. Color identification is very effective visually, but may not be understandable for everyone. Commonly, cables are marked with letters (code or general cable name). A popular solution is using marker labels, these are special plates with adhesives on one side, and no/pre-printed information on the other. There are also colored clamp-on markers with a space for writing or labels.  With Mega Depot, you can rest assured that you choose from high-quality products offered by the best manufacturers. Just find the right option for you!