
Process automation systems secure the autonomous functioning of a complicated set-up with minimum actions expected from the personnel. These systems comprise an intricate network of sensors that report directly to processing units and command systems. These mechanisms compare parameter readings with preset requirements and are able to alter them if needed. All systems generate digital or analog readings with the aid of supplementary devices for the operator to monitor and regulate system actions in case of a failure. Gauges are easy-to-use and reliable devices that provide a clear indication of monitored parameters.


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Gauges are used in a wide range of applications, they are an important part of measuring equipment, as well as HVAC/R systems. Gauges are also utilized in automated systems to provide easy-to-read information about current parameters. We offer a great selection of analog display gauges that are suited for measuring temperature and pressure in automated systems. Shop with Mega Depot and find the best devices for your needs.