
Founded in 1969, Zebra Technologies has a rich heritage of innovation. The company currently holds over 4200 asset management technology patents and with a staff of over 1700 engineering experts continues to expand its range of solutions and services.

Respected for innovation and reliability, Zebra offers technologies that give a virtual voice to an organization’s assets, people, and transactions, enabling organizations to unlock greater business value.

The company’s extensive portfolio of marking and printing technologies, including RFID and real-time location solutions, illuminates mission-critical information to help customers take smarter business actions.

The company designs, manufactures, and distributes life-changing products and solutions to customers, businesses, and people around the world. The company’s wide range of products provides the customers with the tools they need to operate quickly, reliably, and effectively in the moments that matter.

Like most goods, Zebra’s products also have environmental impacts associated with each stage of their life – design, manufacture, distribution, use, and end of life. The company innovates to reduce adverse impacts and increase environmental benefits across all stages of the lifecycle and considers the following environmental principles in its product design:e impacts and increase environmental benefits across all stages of the lifecycle and consider the following environmental principles in their product design:

  • Comply with laws and regulations
  • Use environmentally preferred materials
  • Improve energy efficiency and reduce its product carbon footprints
  • Reduce material consumption, including packaging
  • Increase the recyclable content of the products where possible

Zebra encourages the customers to return used equipment for proper disposal and operates take-back programs in partnership with specialist recycling companies around the world.

Whenever Businesses Find Their Edge, Zebra is There.


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