Dear customer! Mega Depot administration would like to bring you up to date regarding the latest news about credit card fraud on e-commerce based websites. As some may have already heard, a new swiper has been “unleashed upon” online-stores. This virus tracks down all credit card information, collects it, and stores it in a file. The peculiarity of this virus is that all information is stored in a graphic file (a picture of a product, sold on a given website), that’s why it is so hard to discover and to track down. After the malware grabs all the necessary information, like card numbers, passwords, and personal data, attackers can just download the picture from the website and retrieve all data from the source code.
This malware has infected websites built on the Magento platform. This PHP platform is a content management system, used as a base for online shopping websites. Mega Depot customers have nothing to worry about because our website was custom-built by our specialists with the aid of the Yii framework, so our website platform is fully unique and not susceptible to such types of attacks. Please rest assured - your funds and personal info are highly protected, and all transactions you perform on our website are 100% secure. If you have any additional inquiries, please contact our support services.