Bird-X, SBXP-PRO 2, Super BirdXPeller PRO Version 2 4-Speaker Sonic Bird Repeller 110V AC, Repels - Crows, Blackbirds, Grackles, Cormorants and Ravens
The Super BirdXPeller PRO emits a variety of naturally recorded distress calls and predator cries that confuse, frighten, and disorient pest birds. Keep birds away up to 6 acres with four included weather-resistant speakers and customizable settings. Target birds with species-specific approach.
With a range of up to 6 acres, the naturally recorded distress calls and predator cries will scare and alarm a variety of pest birds without traps or chemicals. Four powerful speakers are included with the unit, and come with enough wire to place and position in any environment.
The Super BirdXPeller PRO is fully programmable and weather-resistant. The convenient and flexible coverage makes it perfect for residential spaces, large commercial spaces like parking lots or retail stores, and agricultural settings.
- Broadcasts bird distress calls and predator cries
- Covers up to 6 acres of land
- No traps, chemicals, or poisons
- Cut recurring clean-up and repair
- Protect buildings and equipment from corrosive bird droppings
- Reduce health and liability risks
- Prevent spread of diseases, such as West Nile, Salmonella and E. Coli
- Eliminate fire hazards caused by nests in vents and chimneys
- Avoid government and safety inspection failures
- Save corporate grounds, pools, turf, and more from bird damage
- Maintain property aesthetics
- Decrease nuisance for residents, workers, and customers