Heating & Cooling Equipment

Biological and chemical experiments require a number of components to be successful. The first one we should mention, besides people who actually perform the experiment, is, of course, the right choice of ingredients. Other important aspects are: having suitable and useful furniture, all the necessary tools and instruments, and additional devices to fix your equipment in desired positions and places. However, some procedures require temperature alterations that cannot be achieved naturally and require special equipment to be produced. In such cases, special heating/cooling equipment is utilized. Mega Depot offers a great selection of cooling & heating devices for laboratory use. Here you can find high-quality yet affordable products for your application

Heating & Cooling Equipment

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There is a wide range of various heat-level altering equipment, the devices differ in their working principle and purpose. If you are looking for cooling equipment, we offer a range of gadgets. Condensers are special gadgets that transfer substances from gas to liquid by lowering the temperature. We also offer coolers of different designs and various cryogenic supplies and chambers. Heating devices are also presented in a large variety. You can buy heaters and heating baths, which use moist heat (steam), ovens that use dry air, and hot plates transferring warmth via physical contact with the desired object. Incubators are used in biological experiments, they operate by maintaining a steady temperature level that is higher than the environmental heat level. Another temperature-stabilizing device is a circulator, it uses heat-transferring liquid to maintain a stable temperature level. We also provide thermostats that serve as temperature regulation devices and can be installed on a variety of equipment. Shop with Mega Depot!