Since the company was founded in 1931, its customers have come to recognize Dwyer Instruments to stand for quality, reliability, and readily available low-cost products. As a leading manufacturer in the controls and instrumentation industry, the company continues to grow and serve major markets including, but not limited to HVAC, chemical, food, oil and gas, and pollution control. New applications are discovered daily through a cooperative effort between Dwyer and its customers. These very relationships with the company’s customers allow it to continue to develop market demand products and further success from leading established brand names such as the Magnehelic® differential pressure gages, Photohelic® pressure switch/gages, Rate Master® flowmeters, and Hi-Flow® valves.
In addition to new product development, Dwyer has added to its success through several acquisitions and has achieved additional market recognition. Respected names such as Mercoid, Love Controls, W.E. Anderson, and Proximity Controls have created new markets and further build on the solid reputation that Dwyer has and continues to sustain. The ability to successfully diversify demonstrates Dwyer’s managed approach to the marketplace. This approach continues to maintain the stability of the company, therefore providing a basis for positioning themselves as a leader in providing knowledgeable, prompt, and courteous customer service.
Dwyer Instruments, Inc. is committed to the quality of the products it manufactures and markets. Its goal of meeting or exceeding customer expectations is expressed in the company's operating principles of continuous improvement, teamwork, urgency and the pursuit of excellence. It is the understanding by every employee that they are the key to a successful Quality Management System at which forms the foundation of achieving and maintaining Dwyer's customers' trust and confidence.
Dwyer Instruments - A Global leader in designing and manufacturing innovative Controls, Sensors, and Instrumentation solutions to the HVAC and Process Automation markets