
A control panel of an automated control set-up comprises a set of various informational indicators. These devices provide data received from respective measuring devices and sensors. Such parametric indicators are installed and connected directly to measuring instruments and sensors, and then duplicated on the control faceplate so the operating conditions may be monitored by an operator from the control center and by servicemen directly from an automated line console. We provide a broad range of indicators as well as measuring devices that are suited for implementation in automated systems.


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Parametric indicators play an important role in system management. Information is commonly presented in digital format, however, the usage of gauges is also possible. Indicators display actual readings of parameters, which could be possible in case of an automated safety system failure. If parameters exceed critical values and automatic shutdown does not commence, an operator is able to manually shut down the system. We offer a variety of pressure, flow, temperature, weight, and other types of indicators. We work only with the best manufacturers in the industry. Choose from the best solutions - only on Mega Depot!