Wire Strippers

Wire strippers are small, widely known tools that are used by electricians as well as DIYers to remove the protective layer of insulation from wires & cables. Wire stripping instruments are similar in appearance to pliers. Usually, wire strippers are combined with wire cutters and crimping tools in one multipurpose instrument. Mega Depot offers an impressive array of wire strippers.

Wire Strippers

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Wire stripping devices come in two types: manual and automatic. Manual wire strippers are simple hand tools, similar to wire cutters. Cutting blades have special sockets that prevent the core of the wire from being cut or damaged. To properly remove the insulation, you have to close it shut and rotate the wire inside a few times, before pulling the cover away.

Automatic wire strippers have special mechanisms that fix the wire in place, cuts the insulation, and then rips it away. All necessary actions are performed by the tool, one just has to squeeze the handle. We provide a great selection of automatic and manual strippers, as well as replacement blades and other supplementary components.